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Update and Support SAP Solution Manager

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

Update of a SAP Solution Manager 2 system landscape from Support Package level 9 to level 12.


The update is carried out with help of the Software Update Manager (SUM). In addition to the technical update, functional updates are carried out. This includes activities within the Solman Setup transaction. Furthermore, technical applications Incident, Change, Test Management, Operation and Custom Code Management are checked and the corresponding work is carried out.

Subject description

The SAP Solution Manager 7.2 version is updated in regular cycles (2 per year). In addition to bug fixes, new features and innovations are delivered with the Support Packages. With the update, the system is updated to the latest status.


Project period01.06.2021 - 31.07.2021

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Marcus Rödiger

Retail sector manager

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