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Upgrade PL/1 compiler to V. 3.3

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

Migration of all the PL/1 host programs from PL/1 Compiler version 2.3 to version 3.3. All the programs need to be retranslated without errors. Due to stricter Compiler options, any errors that occur have to be removed from the programs. Additionally, operational reliability needs to be guaranteed for the newly translated programs.


The basis for the mass translation of the PL/1 modules is an iterative procedure carried out in advance of the implementation. In other words, the Perl scripts are refined for automatic error elimination and the final mass compile in a series of mass compiles with subsequent analysis. This minimizes the effort for the final manual cleanup as far as possible. The status of the work is logged in a MySQL database. The core element for quality assurance is the project documentation created in HTML. Testing of the migrated software is a complex problem. It should simulate the multi-layered processing as realistically as possible, especially batch operation with daily, weekly, monthly, annual and on-request jobs.

Subject description

All the host programs (batch and online) created in PL/1 are migrated from Compiler version 2.3 to version 3.3 in two main steps. In the course of the first mass compiles, any modules that cannot be translated without errors are to be separated out and the error messages are analyzed, evaluated, categorized and prioritized. Depending on the type of error, there is then an automatic clean-up of modules by means of Perl scripts that are to be created, or by manual cleanup. The former rectifies problems of a more technical nature, the latter deals with issues where the functional context is important. The go-live for all migrated modules takes place after an appropriate testing phase, as per the big bang method. Difficulties with performance of the batch operation for a few programs result in the need for temporary parallel operation of the old and newly translated modules.


Project period16.08.2004 - 12.10.2004

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