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Workflow-supported auditing of accounts in SAP Retail

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

Processing transactions in auditing of accounts at a commercial enterprise is to be speeded up and the auditing logs are to be output systematically. The transactions planned for a log can be allocated centrally to the responsible case handlers via a cockpit.


The process of distributing and processing the auditing logs is integrated into the SAP system. The possibility of using SAP Business Workflows/WebFlows was examined but not taken up because more efficient solutions were available. The approach used here collects the account auditing cases in a pool and then distributes them, via a supervisor, to the responsible case handlers or their representatives on the basis of the worklist in question. The auditing of accounts cockpit is implemented using ALV technology.

Subject description

In addition to the extensive automation of auditing of accounts, which is achieved by processing IDocs (see also project ID 2468), the tracking of invoice transactions that show deviations should be designed to be more rational. Currently, RP logs are printed out for these cases; these are processed by the responsible case handlers and then distributed further. These transactions are also integrated into the Retail system.


Project period15.02.2010 - 15.10.2010

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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