Video avatar EVA sets new service standards in online banking

Logo der Sparkasse Rhein-Neckar-Nord

The flexible language talent convinces

In addition to the traditional local contact person, more and more customers appreciate the convenience of being able to carry out banking transactions from the comfort of their own home or on the move – from mobile banking to lending via app.

Service issues at Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord can therefore not only be dealt with in the branches, but also by e-mail, chat or telephone. Customers with questions about online banking have recently received additional support from EVA, a NEXOVI-based video avatar from PTA. EVA not only scores points for its permanent availability, but is also a real language talent. If required, she can answer questions in German, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic and Bulgarian, depending on which language a bank customer chooses at the beginning of the consultation sequence. The IT experts from PTA IT-Beratung in Mannheim are looking forward to the implementation and introduction.

Weißes Quadrat mit umrandeten Seiten rechts oben

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With a combined business volume of EUR 2,980 billion, Sparkasse together with their association partners form the largest financial services provider in Europe. The Sparkasse Finance Group comprises 520 companies, of which around 376 are banks with around 205,000 employees. With around 13,000 branches throughout Germany, they ensure a comprehensive range of services for all sections of the population. Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord is part of this group with over 700 employees. It is currently represented in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region with 29 branches and 20 self-service locations. And their customers are becoming increasingly digital. A convincing reason for those responsible at Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord to press ahead with their digitalization strategy: the bank recently began offering its customers EVA, a digital, interactive video advisory assistant that sets new standards with its online banking services.

Video avatar EVA ensures greater accessibility

The banking market is changing. Online and mobile banking trends are changing consumer behaviour, as is the advancing digitalization of society. “Customers don’t want to make banking transactions dependent on branch opening hours,” says Bernd Schindler, responsible for Media Sales at Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord. Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord recognized this a long time ago and added intelligent, intuitive digital solutions to its traditional value chain.

“The aim was to provide our customers with simple and clearly understandable services that support them with online banking, no matter when and from wherever they want to do so,” says Bernd Schindler, explaining the benefits of EVA. EVA is available even when the branch counters are closed: 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And thanks to the Internet, it doesn’t matter where customers are, because they can reach EVA from anywhere. Efficiency and flexibility that impress.

EVA is a real linguistic talent

At Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord, EVA solves numerous customer concerns relating to online banking: whether they have questions about the Sparkasse and pushTAN app or have forgotten their PIN number, want to unlock their account, apply for a higher account limit or request a registration letter to use a pushTAN connection. EVA speaks seven languages – fluently, of course. This is made possible by the basic technological structure of the avatar. This is programmed once and thus enabled to react appropriately to the situation with the right facial expressions in human-machine dialog. AI-based deep learning algorithms learn the avatar and ensure that EVA appears familiar and human and can also be used flexibly. In addition, the technology combined with the right translation ensures that EVA can provide multilingual advice without any problems.

Weißes Quadrat mit umrandeten Seiten links unten

EVA scores with flexible design options

The fact that the video avatar is designed as a web application and is provided as software as a service, it could be integrated as an iFrame on the Sparkasse website with little effort. “The integration of EVA into our existing IT infrastructure was completely uncomplicated and EVA also copes excellently with the transfer to those areas where our customers need to authenticate and log in securely,” says Bernd Schindler. And when it comes to the question of which background or position it should operate from, Sparkasse also benefits from almost unlimited deployment options.

Project ID: 5761

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Unlike a professional actress who is being filmed, an artificial avatar can be conveniently positioned in the frame independently of the background. “We made a conscious decision to use an avatar because we can adapt it to our requirements without much effort,” explains Bernd Schindler. “If we had relied on a professional actress, such flexible scaling would only have been possible with a lot more effort.” The simple integration into the IT landscape of Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord is another advantage of the digital assistance solution.

The video avatar in use video avatar is also characterized by the fact that it embeds all customer inquiries in end-to-end processes. This means that bank customers are guided through a triggered process in individual steps until their request has been satisfactorily resolved.

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