
Weißes Quadrat mit umrandeten Seiten rechts oben

Climate neutrality as part of our vision

PTA IT Consulting is committed to sustainability, with the clear goal of achieving climate neutrality.
Through targeted measures and cooperation with renowned partners such as PRIMAKLIMA, EcoVadis and IntegrityNext, we have already made significant progress. Our commitment ranges from improving energy efficiency and supporting environmental protection projects to CO₂ offsetting. Now we are looking to the future: we are focusing on innovative solutions and partnerships to further reduce our carbon footprint and minimize our dependence on offsetting measures.
Find out more about our commitment to a sustainable future below.

Grünes Blatt. Icon zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit.


PRIMAKLIMA e.V. is an organization that promotes climate protection through tree planting and forest conservation projects worldwide.
They strive for sustainable climate protection by involving local communities.
The importance of forests as valuable ecosystems is emphasized and their contribution to the preservation of biodiversity is highlighted.

CO₂ compensation & climate neutrality

PRIMAKLIMA supports companies in becoming climate-neutral by offsetting CO₂ emissions through global reforestation and forest protection projects that are certified according to external standards.
By planting forests, the emissions are naturally reintegrated.
Companies calculate their emissions and PRIMAKLIMA allocates the corresponding CO₂ certificates.
Compensation takes place with the option of receiving a certificate.
Forest projects are preferred due to their additional benefits for people and nature, as they promote biodiversity, have a climate-regulating effect and create sustainable income in project regions.

With the PRIMAKLIMA seal, we confirm that we have achieved our climate goal: as a climate-neutral location through offsetting , PTA IT-Beratung as a company determines and offsets at least the emissions from heat generation, power supply and its own vehicle fleet.


Siegel des Nachhaltigkeits-Ratings von EcoVadis

EcoVadis provides globally recognized, reliable and actionable sustainability solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. By assessing over 130,000 companies in more than 180 countries and 220 industries, EcoVadis uses innovative technology and sustainability expertise to help companies manage ESG risk and compliance, drive sustainability goals and increase positive impact through improvements in sustainability performance and the entire value chain. The EcoVadis methodology is based on international sustainability standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000) and is overseen by a scientific panel of CSR and supply chain experts to produce reliable CSR ratings.

In recognition of our sustainability performance, PTA IT Consulting has received a bronze medal.
This award places us among the top 35 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis in 2023 and confirms our commitment to sustainability.
In the environmental category, PTA’s sustainability performance was rated as advanced with 70 out of 100 points.
The sustainability index evaluates 21 sustainability criteria, including in the areas of the environment, labor practices and human rights, fair business practices and sustainable procurement.


Logo von IntegrityNe

IntegrityNext enables companies to increase the sustainability of their supply chains and meet legal ESG requirements. With comprehensive tools and analytics, the platform supports the tracking and monitoring of supplier sustainability performance, the management of ESG risks and the preparation of CSR reports. It provides a 360° view of the supply chain through real-time dashboards, assessments and action management to increase transparency and efficiently achieve sustainability goals. We were audited in the following areas:

Anti-corruption & anti-bribery

Environmental protection

Human & labor rights

Occupational safety

Responsibility in the supply chain

Further details on the assessment results can be found in the sustainability profile of PTA IT consulting by IntegrityNext. The sustainability profile comprises the analysis of a supplier, focusing on compliance with regulatory requirements and sustainability standards.

Weißes Quadrat mit umrandeten Seiten links unten

History of our activities


Preparation of a CO₂ balance sheet for 2023

  • PTA headquarters: 56.5 tCO₂ total emissions
  • DATIS: 26.0 tCO₂ total emissions

Cooperation with PRIMAKLIMA

  • Achieving the “Climate-neutral through offsetting” seal from PRIMAKLIMA for PTA


Preparation of a CO₂ balance sheet for 2022

  • PTA headquarters: 62.9 tCO₂ total emissions
  • DATIS: 29.6 tCO₂ total emissions

2020- 2022

Initial measures have already enabled us to save 302.3 tCO₂ at our Mannheim locations

  • Partial conversion of the vehicle fleet to electromobility (7 of 26 vehicles): 9.4 tCO₂ savings
  • Conversion of the DATIS data center’s heat supply from heating oil to district heating: 3.8 tCO₂ savings
  • Switching off unused network loads of the DATIS data center: 123.9 tCO₂ savings
  • Shutdown of the data center at PTA headquarters: 149.6 tCO₂ savings
  • Purchase of more efficient UPS for the DATIS data center: 31.9 tCO₂ savings
  • Additional consumption of the charging stations: 16.4 tCO₂ additional emissions
  • Construction of a well system for efficient air conditioning of the PTA headquarters


  • First-time participation in the EcoVadis rating and receipt of the EcoVadis sustainability silver medal and certificate


  • Objective: PTA Group to become CO₂-neutral by 2025


Creation of a CO₂ balance sheet for 2020

CO2 emissions of the PTA Group: 898.2 tCO₂, of which

  • PTA headquarters: 281.5 t CO₂ total emissions
  • DATIS: 563.9 t CO₂ total emissions


  • Purchase of 100% green electricity

The figures given are based on calculations by Energiekosten 360 GmbH, which prepares carbon footprints for the PTA Group.
This was done in accordance with the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol).

The results are based on data provided by PTA.
These include electricity bills, district heating bills, fuel card statements and other consumption documentation.

Environmental aspects

Environmental aspects are all elements that can potentially influence the environment through the activities of PTA, its services and products.
We have identified the following environmental aspects in order to minimize environmental impacts:

Energy consumption and
Review of energy consumption at the sites, use of energy-efficient technologies and measures to reduce energy consumption in potential areas
Resource utilization
Responsible use of natural resources such as water, raw materials and materials to minimize waste and improve efficiency
Waste management
Effective management of waste through separation, recycling, reuse and waste prevention strategies
Air and water emissions
Control and reduction of emissions that can affect air and water quality and compliance with legal requirements
Environmentally friendly products and services
Development and promotion of environmentally friendly products and services with a positive ecological impact and addressing this, for example when commissioning with the customer
Transportation and logistics
Optimization of transport routes and methods in order to reduce emissions and minimize environmental impact, such as switching to e-post if necessary
Biodiversity and ecosystems
Protection and preservation of biodiversity in the operating areas as well as measures to protect sensitive ecosystems, such as the greening of the company premises
Climate change adaptation
Development of strategies and measures to adapt to the effects of climate change and minimize its negative effects

Our contributions on the topic of sustainability

Mann sitzt vor einem Computer umgeben von Pflanzen und Blumen

Reduce CO₂ emissions sustainably with efficient software

Green coding aims to make software development less polluting and more sustainable. Dr. Frank Gredel from PTA IT-Beratung discusses various approaches and dimensions of green coding that companies can use to make their software programming more environmentally friendly and explains how IT service providers such as PTA IT-Beratung can contribute to this.

Wald und Bäume, davor ein Graph, der eine Entwicklung misst

Sustainability reporting soon to be mandatory for many companies

It came into force on January 5, 2023: the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The EU directive tightens the requirements for non-financial reporting. Dr. Tim Walleyo, Managing Director of PTA IT-Beratung, explains what constitutes professional sustainability management, what criteria companies need to meet and what company managers need to take into account.

Waldweg mit Laub und ein Schild mit der Aufschrift Klimapatenschaft Pflanzaktion

PTA Group plants drinking water in Klövensteen forest near Hamburg

For the third time, the Hamburg office of PTA IT-Beratung is a climate sponsor of a pioneering initiative that promotes sustainability in the region: In cooperation with the Logistik-Initiative Hamburg and Klimapatenschaft GmbH with its member companies, around 2000 drinking water trees were planted in the Klövensteen forest, which will produce 200 liters of drinking water per tree every year in the future.

Sonnenstrahlen in einem grünen Wald.

Milestone: PTA now manages 4000 IT projects in its in-house knowledge base

As future competence and sustainability have always been an important guideline for the PTA Group, not only in IT matters, the company is stabilizing an area of 4,000 square metres by planting native trees as part of its commitment to the Bergwaldprojekt e.V. (mountain forest project).

Podcast: Green Coding - How do I make my software more environmentally friendly?

Dr. Frank Gredel at “So klingt Wirtschaft” – the business talk of Handelsblatt Media Group Solutions

In the Handelsblatt podcast “So klingt Wirtschaft”, Dr. Frank Gredel, Head of Business Development at PTA IT-Beratung in Mannheim, explains the importance of green coding for sustainable software development. It sheds light on how this concept can help reduce the carbon footprint of software and what strategies companies can use to make their programming processes more environmentally friendly.

Your ESG reporting with PTA IT consulting

Wald und Bäume. Graph, der eine Entwicklung zeigt. Nachhaltigkeit

In accordance with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), capital market-oriented companies, but also many SMEs, are legally obliged to publish information on the social and ecological impact of their actions (“Environmental, Social, Governance”, or ESG for short) by the beginning of 2025 at the latest and to report according to a clearly defined set of criteria.

We help you to establish your individual ESG reporting in your company, to digitize the data required for this and to have it procured automatically.

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Portrait Herr Wossidlo, Mann mit Brille und Hemd

Matthias Wossidlo

Member of the Management Board

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