IT project database

Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4432 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

At a hackathon, software engineers develop together and push their limits. Here, a 48-hour hackathon is held at a customer's site, where developers show what they can do in the field of …
The energy trading system PSI Markets replaces the previously used industry software IRM. The PTA supports the development of a new monitoring system, the data migration into the new system and the …
In order to gain new customers for software used as middleware in large laboratories, an existing laboratory system is to be expanded to include an additional module for the field of hematology. …
Development of a BIM collaboration tool for construction projects, with browser-based front end. Back-end services and infrastructure are cloud-based, by means of Microsoft Azure. The most important functions include a high-quality 3D …
The project goal is to "streamline" and simplify reference documents. The reference documents define how the user help must look within the software (e.g. spacings, image size, etc.). They consequently provide the …
The PTA contribution means that user friendliness can be increased while incorrect operations were dramatically reduced. The usability engineer of the PTA creates storyboards (in Balsamiq) and interactive prototypes (in Axure) for …
Project goals: Adaptation of standard software for inventory and warehouse management from a third-party provider to the customer requirements in terms of functional enhancement, recognition value and improved user friendliness. This applies …
The project objective is to define a visual design guideline for the user interfaces of the customer's medical device product line. …
New development of a software for supporting customer advisory services in the insurance sector. The project involves support for the concretization of technical specifications, drafting the basic architecture, implementation, and testing. The …
The LIS (laboratory information system) is sold all over the world. In this project requirements of international markets like CH and South East Asia are implemented in the module for the central …
Development of a training CD in Logistics. This CD contains video films for the work process in the individual software that has already been developed, workshop documentations, help files and contact addresses. …
In preparation for the redesign of the front end of an internal intranet application for process visualization, an HTML prototype of the homepage and one subsequent page are conceptualized, laid out, designed …
In the course of this project, the online shop prototype created by PTA (ID: 2072) is developed further. This covers all the functional requirements for an online shop system. In particular, a …
In the course of this project, the customer's existing online shop (based on Microsoft Commerce Server) is redesigned and implemented on the Microsoft .NET 2.0. platform. One special feature of this shop …

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Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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