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New business area type in Dynamics 365

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

The customer works with the Dynamics 365 CRM system and has only sold products and services from one business area type. However, as the customer introduces a new product portfolio, the CRM system needs to be updated so that the customer can represent their sales process in relation to this new product portfolio.


The data model and processes are revised because the products of a new business area type have different properties compared to the existing portfolio. The Dynamics 365 entities are extended and the business logic is customised to require different inputs depending on the selected business area type. The endpoints and services installed in Azure that enabled the other customer applications to store the data in Dynamics have all been updated to also support the new business area type. Customers, contacts, offers, sales opportunities, orders, as well as other information relating to the technical components and installation are adjusted to correspond to the new sales process.

Subject description

The customer has data on products, leads, sales opportunities and offers from a product and service portfolio in the Dynamics CRM system. When the customer starts selling the completely new product and service portfolio, the system and data model are adapted to support the new rules and processes relevant to the creation of the orders with the new product portfolio. The creation of new leads and other sales units must be possible not only via the CRM user interface, but also via customer-specific apps for acquiring new leads. Therefore, the services and endpoints for acquiring and storing customer data in the CRM are also being adapted.


Project period01.11.2020 - 01.04.2021

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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