IT project database

Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4432 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

An existing DB2 database is to be migrated to a PostgreSQL DB on AWS. …
Replacement of the data model for existing broker software by a date model to be used centrally. The associated restructuring of the database makes it easier to integrate the data in other …
Development of an interface between two online systems. A central customer management portal uses selected customer data to access the broker portal's quotation calculation. General quotation data and documents are transferred back …
Independent insurance brokers generally use an independent program for managing brokers (MVP) as the leading system for customer and appointment management. Insurance modules from different providers can be accessed directly from the …
Porting of a customer management and rating system implemented as an individual workstation solution for independent insurance brokers in a Windows Terminal Server environment and replacement of the local legacy application. This …
Introduction of a product portal based on the Windows Terminal Server for hosting the insurance group's CRM system that was developed for decentralized offline use. The project also involves integrating the product …
Creating a prototype of an Internet application for providing partner comparisons. …
Conception and implementation of an Internet application for the detailed recording and processing of attendance times, maintenance and display of contact data as well as holiday applications and holiday administration. The recorded …

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Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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