IT project database

Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4432 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

New applications of the customer will be implemented on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The new shipment order system (SAS) to be created is to receive notifications and transform them into shipment …
The middleware 'Lobster_data' is used within the scope of EDI connections of customers for the receipt of electronic orders as well as for the dispatch of electronic order confirmations, shipping notifications and …
As part of the market conformity check, prices from external price providers are required on a daily basis. This data is supplied to the market conformity check system via a DataBus. This …
The EDI connection of customers for electronic orders to support the e-commerce department of a paper merchant in the course of a merger of two companies is realised. The EDI connection of …
The EDI connection of customers for receiving electronic orders as well as for sending electronic order confirmations, delivery notifications and invoices to support the e-commerce department of a paper merchant is realised. …
The EDI connection of customers for electronic forwarding orders (Borderos) to support the e-commerce and logistics departments of a paper wholesale company is realised. The EDI connection of customers for Borderos serves …
Since November 2020, it has been mandatory for companies to submit invoices with a value of goods of more than EUR 1,000 to public contracting authorities electronically. The XML format 'XInvoice' is …
The EDI connection of customers for sending electronic order confirmations, delivery notifications and invoices to support the e-commerce department of a paper merchant in the course of the merger of two companies …
The project includes the maintenance and further development of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) routes for data transfer to and from the bank's central securities account management system. Further components of the project …
Load data from flat files, store in SQL Server database. Comparison of the imported data with existing contacts to distinguish between new and existing customers. Transfer of the data to subsequent systems …
Extension of the insurance software with hazard data, supply of the data warehouse with additional information, extension of the existing interfaces. Activities carried out by the PTA: Data model changes, interface additions, …
For years, the customer has been using an intranet application designed and developed by PTA to calculate the share price of real estate, special and credit funds. As part of an expansion …
Through the further development of the import, reporting and export functions, the web application becomes much more secure and flexible. Some tasks are automatically taken over by the application, here there is …
Resumption and implementation of the introduction of an invoicing module in a transport logistics system. The Java-based solution is provided as an invoicing service and replaces the existing C and Cobol programs, …
The goal of the project is the equality of the data (migration/synchronization) between two knowledge databases. The main activities are analysis, conception, development and testing. The project is developed on a client …
As part of the project, the automated roll-out of Oracle wallets on target machines is configured and carried out. An additional task is to ensure the operation of the customer's Linux-based applications. …
The subproject for creating an asset management system includes the conceptual design and implementation of interfaces for supplying data to a portfolio management system. …
In the course of this project, operation of the customer's applications is ensured, on the one hand, while new applications and introduced and set up, on the other. A key focus here …
Administration and technical support for a process management system and modeling of technical workflows to implement business process and self-monitoring of the system. …
In the course of this project, operation of the customer's applications is ensured, on the one hand, while new applications and introduced and set up, on the other. The infrastructure on which …
Administration and technical support for a process management system and modeling of technical workflows to implement business process and self-monitoring of the system. …
Administration and technical support for a process management system and modeling of technical workflows to implement business process and self-monitoring of the system. …
In an application for evaluating the findings for damaged parts, the data should in future be supplied from the warranty processing system via a generic interface, as the old, individually tailored interface …
Extension of a client-capable planning tool for evaluations of the cost distribution by application group. …

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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