IT project database

Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4162 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

An avatar based digital and interactive video consultation is used to present services for supporting household assistence service. This includes showcasing the scope of service. Additionally, options are provided to apply for …
The customer's IT department is supported within the scope of support, possible process optimisations and the resulting further developments. This mainly involves the areas of order and installation processing, including the input …
The current processing system is based on technologies that will no longer be supported by the IT service provider in the future. For this reason, the application needs to be upgraded to …
In the Customer Service Center area, the client's customers are to be better supported in the area of online banking. The customer should be guided quickly and easily to their request by …
In the Customer Service Center, the client's customers are to be better supported in the area of online banking, as over 80% of customers actively use online banking. Inquiries about certain online …
For a trade fair, an avatar is to be created for a customer that offers target group-oriented, interactive click paths with touchpoints to defined content (online and offline), which can present the …
Requirements analysis for the new development of control software for robots for automated sample preparation in the laboratory environment. The further development of the customer's existing control software involves considerable effort due …
The project is located in the digitization of processes that focus on customer interaction. In this use case, the consulting assistant specializes in explaining the premium adjustment for health insurances. The interactive …
The NEXOVI advice assistant is integrated on the website of a public utility and transport company. Thus, customers can be supported in their choice of tickets around the clock and receive recommendations …
The Nexovi Advisory Assistant is placed on the internal website of the central institution of an international bank. In doing so, specialist know-how is made available to the employees of the partner …
A product is created in the form of a cloud application and offered as SaaS. This digital video counselling assistant enables the digitalisation of counselling sessions through the use of individual video …
The PTA develops an individual DWH control web application for the customer, which supports him to easily configure, start and monitor ETL processes for the DWH data imports in a simple way. …
Using appropriate software, clickable prototypes ('click dummies') are created in this project. The following steps are performed: We start with a feasibility study for the creation of click dummies. After the evaluation …

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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